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Hanline, M.F., Fox, L., & Phelps, P.C. (1998). Community child care inclusion: The development of two children. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 45(4), 469-488.


Hanline, M. F., Milton, S., & Phelps, P. (2001). Young Childrens Block Construction Activities: Findings from 3 Years of Observation. Journal of Early Intervention, 24(3), 224-237.


Levy, A. K., Schaefer, L., & Phelps, P. (1986). Increasing preschool effectiveness: enhancing the language abilities of 3- and 4-year old children through planned sociodramatic play. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 1, 133-140.


Phelps, P. C. (1986). An investigation of the functional relationship between play space allotments, play materials and the social behavior of toddlers. Unpublished dissertation, The Florida State University.


Phelps, P.C. (1984). Creative playgrounds for preschool children. Early Child Development and Care, 17(1), 23-36.


Phelps, P. C., & Chiricos, C. (1991). Infant/toddler 10-hour training module, Tallahassee, FL: The Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS), State of Florida in collaboration with the Creative Center for Childhood Research & Training (CCCRT).


Phelps, P. C., & Hanline, M. F. (1999). Lets play blocks! Creating effective learning experiences for young children. Teaching Exceptional Children, 32(2), 62-67.


Phelps, P. C., Lally, J. R., & Torres, Y. L. (1994). Caring for infants and toddlers in groups: Necessary considerations for emotional, social and cognitive development. Zero-to-Three, National Center for Clinical Infant Programs, 14(5).


Phelps, P.C., & Wolfgang, C. (1983). Solving problems within the day care context. Early Child Development and Care, 13(1), 87-100.


Reiser, R.A., Tessmer, M.A., & Phelps, P.C. (1984). Adult-child interaction in children's learning from "Sesame Street," Educational Communication and Technology: A Journal of Theory, Research and Development, 32(4), 217-223.


Stannard, L., Wolfgang, C. H., Jones, I., & Phelps, P. (2001). A longitudinal study of the predictive relations among construction play and mathematical achievement. Early Child Development and Care, 167, 115-125.


Stannard, L., Wolfgang, C. H., Jones, I., & Phelps, P. (2003). Advanced constructional play with LEGOs among preschoolers as a predictor of later school achievement in mathematics. Early Child Development and Care, 173(5), 467-475.


Wolfgang, C., & Phelps, P.C. (1983). Preschool play materials preference inventory. Early Child Development and Care, 12(2), 127-141.


Wolfgang, C. H., Stannard, L. L., & Jones, I. (2001). Block play performance among preschoolers as a predictor of later school achievements in mathematics. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 15(2), 173-180.

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