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BCCT Program Resources


These additional resources are provided to help scaffold the learning environment and assess the individual child's development. They are provided free of charge to programs using the Beyond Centers & Circle Time Curriculum and those having received training in this curriculum.


The block area offers unique opportunities for teachers to embed math and science knowledge and information as well as support children’s acquisition of new vocabulary and language skills.

Unit Block

Recognizing and knowing the names of these geometric shapes is important for children’s later school success in math and science. It is important that adults working with young children use the proper block shape names to discuss and describe children’s products.


One of the top priorities in quality early childhood programs should be for adults to collect baseline data on every child enrolled, across all domains of development, during the first month of the school year. Samples should be taken of each child’s easel paintings, marker/crayon drawings, block building, cutting, and pre-writing products.


The theme, color, shape, and topics of discussion are developed to last a full month. Teachers must be prepared for each day’s program and provide intentional experiences that maintain the children’s interests and enhance their skills and knowledge. The infrastructure for tomorrow’s school success is being built one exciting, enriching, playful moment at a time—TODAY.

2746 West Tharpe Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32303 • 850-422-1080 •
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